Sunday, August 5, 2012

How to Curate Content Like a PRO

Who else is interested in learning how how to curate content the RIGHT way? Do you crave more content... but don't have the time, energy or ability to crank out new articles or updates on the hour?

Do you watch with envy as other "authority" sites generate an avalanche of traffic, and earn BIG money through content curation and DON'T seem to write any more original stuff than you do?

In this article we are going to take a quick and easy look at how to curate content the RIGHT way, and some of the biggest lessons I've personally learned in multiple niches using this exact model for content CREATION as well. Curious to know more? Continue reading as we take a closer look below!

Let's start with 2 BIG Rules:

1 - Content curation is NOT about copying content. What I do, quite simply is "clip" a 100 or 200 word piece of an article (never more than 20%) and add my own parenthetical thoughts about what the author I'm citing has stated. Whether I agree, disagree or otherwise with the tone or tenor of the "curated" content, I always make sure that my own thoughts are LONGER than that which I've snipped or clipped.

2 - A 70/30 mix of curated, versus original content is FINE and totally cool and has worked wonderfully well for me. This means, for every 10 pieces of content I write, I try to clip, snip, cull, collect and curate 7 of those stories that I think would be of interest or will inspire my readership.

The other 3 are articles I've written specifically with my audience in mind. (and quite often, are based on the community comments that have been generated from the curated content)

Make sense?

A real content curation site is NOT about scraping RSS, or stealing other peoples articles. It's about providing a place that serves as a hub of information in your niche, or area of expertise.

It can also simply be a great resource of tools, tips and techniques... and a launching pad, or place where passionate people who are your ideal audience come FIRST, simply because they know you've got the best stories covered.

Want another BIG secret I use in my own business... that not 1 in 100 curators do themselves? I often clip, snip and curate my OWN content as well! In other words, an article like this one, which live on an article directory, is often the BEST type of content for me to clip.

Why? Because it helps create continuity between my onsite content (a blog, for example... or a Facebook page) and my OFFSITE content (content published in other places) and extends and enhances the appearance of influence I have in my own community. (and of course, also gives me more free content for my blog, builds a link to the published article and all sorts of other cool benefits we DON'T have time to cover here!)

The biggest benefit you should see right away?

You'll see how easily it is to create copious amounts of creative content for your community, without working any harder. I can add 10 of these style curated posts to ANY blog in 2 hours, while providing real value...and not only does my site stickiness go up each time I do, my traffic (and trust) do as well.

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